I heard the news this afternoon that Kodachrome production is slated to be halted. I haven't shot any Kodachrome in years and had no idea that there was only one plant in the world which still developed Kodachrome 'til I heard it on
NPR this afternoon.
Simon sang about it in 1973 in the aptly titled "Kodachrome."
"They give us those nice bright colors. They give us the greens of summers. Makes you think all the world's a sunny day," he sang. "So Mama don't take my Kodachrome away."
This is a sad but not unexpected passing. I have been shooting digital for the past several years and see no reason for anyone to ever shoot film again! Having said that, I do have a $50 plastic Fisheye Lomo camera that I shoot ASA 400 negative film in and I really like it although all I do is get the negatives processed and then I scan them!

I guess that in some ways I can consider myself an old-timer now, but I knew some of the real old-timers and I had a friend in Atlanta years ago who had some original 8x10 Kodachrome transparencies which were beyond description!