Perfect PhotoSuite consists of different modules that offer different outcomes. There is Perfect Effects, layers, masks, portrait, layers, B&W, resize, and focus so that's a lot in one package. I find myself going to perfect effects primarily for the vignette function although there are a tremendous number of options for modifying the photograph.
I use Perfect Resize a lot simply because I've found it to be the very best upsizing algorithm and I regularly take a 10" digital image and upsize it to 40" with excelllent results.
Once in a while I use Perfect Portrait primarily for taking the "shine" off of foreheads and cheeks. I generally don't like the look of modifying a portrait with anything other than a very mild softening of wrinkles.
I worked some with Perfect Black and White this past weekend with mixed results. I generally use layer adjustments in Photoshop CS6 to make my conversions to b&w so I'm very comfortable with that, but Perfect B&W does offer some interesting options which I will have to explore further although I think that Photoshop's layer adjustments will be my primary mode for change.
I don't use layers, masks, and focus at all although I do see the utility in each. I guess that I really should work some with each of these modules in order to see if I can incorporate them into my work flow in some sort of meaningful way!
All in all I think that for $299 Perfect PhotoSuite 7 is an incredible bargain and I highly recommend it.